OCPL Teens: Dungeon Monday 6/26/23


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Branch: LaGrange
Date: Monday, June 26, 2023
Time: 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Age Group(s): Teen
308 Yager Ave, La Grange, KY 40031

For teens grades 6-12. FREE! SIGN-UP REQUIRED!

Calling all BEGINNER adventurers!
Learn the basics of Dungeons & Dragons!
Each session explores a new game mechanic & character class plus a short group encounter to test out your new skills!

The library will provide everything you will need including pre-generated characters, dice, and other paperwork. Feel free to bring your own dice or a notebook for your own reference.

This series is primarily designed for beginner players and will focus on teaching the basic rules of Dungeons & Dragons. Planning and playing a campaign is a very time-consuming process and simply not feasible for library staff considering the limited number of participants that could be served at one time. Keep in mind this event is geared towards new players and not be helpful for more experience players.

*Parental Disclaimer*
Signing up to attend this event indicates that participants understand that Dungeons & Dragons is a fantasy roleplaying game that incorporates monsters, magic, fictional combat, peril/grave consequences, and dice-rolling in its storytelling. Parental discretion is advised.

In the notes field, please indicate your experience/familiarity with playing Dungeons & Dragons:
1 - Know about it, but never played.
2 - Played once or twice, but still have a lot to learn.
3 - Played many times. Very experienced player.
4 - Expert. Been playing D&D for years. Have DM experience.