OCPL Teens: Habitat for BEE-manity


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Branch: LaGrange
Date: Tuesday, April 19, 2022
Time: 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Age Group(s): Teen
308 Yager Ave, La Grange, KY 40031

For teens (grades 6-12). FREE! No Sign-up Required!

The library is hosting a series of events to help pollinators (like bees) in our community! For this event, we're making cozy little houses out of pollinator-safe recycled materials for mason bees to use for their nests!

Mason bees are very docile (rarely stinging), solitary bees (no hives)and are known for making nests out of gaps in stones and wood; closing them off with mud (or "masonry"). They're great at spreading pollen but can't dig the holes they need for their nests!

Join us and make a cozy little bee home for some fuzzy bee friends.